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Who is bitboy crypto?

One of the largest crypto social media personalities is BitBoy Crypto. With a booming YouTube channel, he's one of the market's top commentators. Learning about cryptocurrencies can be daunting, especially considering that the technology surrounding these new coins can be a little complex.

What are crypto books?

While there are many investment books written on established asset classes such as stocks, crypto books are a relatively new category. Despite this, there have already been several books published on topics like the history of Bitcoin and Ethereum, how blockchain technology works, and how to invest in decentralized finance (DeFi).

What is catching up to crypto?

In Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy, celebrated crypto and Bitcoin expert Ben Armstrong delivers an exciting and fresh new exploration of Bitcoin and digital currencies. He explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why we’re all transitioning to a digital economy as we speak.

Does bitboy have a YouTube account?

However, no one knows for sure. In addition to shorter solo videos, BitBoy features hour-long videos where he includes commentary and guests. In addition to YouTube, BitBoy also has a prominent Twitter and Discord account. He has a private email list that you can sign up for to receive exclusive content.

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